Monday 1 October 2012

Get to know me

Hello my name is Tej and I'm new to the blogging world.

As an assignment from my Communications class I am creating this blog. Before I post my first blog I would like to introduce myself to everyone that will be following my blog. My names Tej, and I am 20 years of age. I was born and raised in a town called Delta, which is located in British Columbia, Canada.

After graduating in 2009 from Tamanawis Secondary, I was clueless about what I wanted from life and what career path I would want to take. As a result, I ended up taking a year and a half off and just worked full time. When the second year rolled around, I applied to Kwantlen Polytechnic University for general studies. I spent one semester there and didn't see myself going anywhere, eventually I applied to Douglas College, and spent a year there taking classes and still pondering upon what I wanted to do. I had an immediate family member that had graduated as an Respiratory Therapist and they persuaded me to look into it. I ended up applying for the program and here I am in the first year of the Respiratory Therapy program at Thompson Rivers University. 

I often go often go hiking and enjoy spending time  in the back country. whenever I have free time I usually spend a lot of time with my family and just doing the work around the house.